Shawna Carroll biography: 10 things about Laguna Beach, California woman

biographical data Shawna Marie Carroll is a resident of Laguna Beach, California, United States. Here are 10 more things about her: Aside from Lagu...

November 21, 2022
5:20 AM

biographical data Shawna Marie Carroll is a resident of Laguna Beach, California, United States. Here are 10 more things about her: Aside from Laguna Beach, she has lived in other parts of California including Stevenson Ranch, La Verne, Rancho Cucamonga, Banning, Glendora, Desert Hot Springs, Beaumont, Palm Springs and Bellflower. She previously lived in West Valley, Utah, USA. She was 5 months older than Jason David Frank. She and Frank have three children together. In 1993, she gave birth to Jacob A.

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